(A Public Sector Undertaking under the Ministry of Railways), Regd. Office: C-4, Distrct Centre, Saket, New-Delhi-110 017 (India)
Sarkari Jobs in this post: Electrical Fitters
About Company:
IRCON INTERNATIONAL Limited is a premier schedule “A” infrastructure Public Sector Enterprise under Ministry of Railways engaged in the construction of turnkey infrastructure projects in Railways, Highways, Buildings, Power sectors, etc. The Company has recorded a landmark turnover of more than Rs. 2000 crores in the years 2007-08. The company has successfully completed large value Railway Projects in India and abroad including Malaysia, Bangladesh, Algeria, Iraq, Syria, etc. The company invites applications for the following posts in Electrical discipline for posting in any of its Projects/ Offices.
Name of the Post: Electrical Fitters
No. of Vacancy: 25 posts (UR- 13, SC-4, ST-2 & OBC-6
Scale of Pay: Rs. 4600-100-64000(IDA)
Qualification: Matricualation (10th) & ITI Diploma in Electrical
How to apply for above post:
Application neatly typed on A-4 size paper in the prescribed format should be sent to General Manager/ HRM, IRCON International Limited, C-4 District Centre, Saket, New Delhi – 110 017 accompanied with the self attested copies of the following documents :
a) Matriculation Certificate (for age proof)
b) Certificate of ITI Trade Certificate in electrical
c) Certificates of other professional qualifications, if any
d) Certificates in proof of experience clearly indicating the length and line of
experience as per eligibility conditions
e) Community certificate in case the candidate desires to apply against reserved post
f) DD for Rs. 300/- for UR & OBC or Rs. 50 for SC & ST applicants in original.
The envelope containing the application should be clearly superscribed “Application for the post of __________________________Advt. 06/ 2008”.
Application format and advertisement is also available at our corporate website (vacancy info).
Demand Draft of Rs. 300/- as registration amount & processing fee for General and OBC candidates and a Demand Draft of Rs. 50/- as registration amount for SC/ST candidates. Fees should be paid by DD with a validity period of 6 months drawn in favour of “IRCON International Limited” payable at New Delhi.
Last Date of Application Submission:
21 days from the date of publication in Employment News.
Application Form /Advertisement Source Credits:
Keywords: Sarkari Naukri india, Sarkari jobs india, Government naukri india, Jobs in New Delhi, New Delhi Sarkari Naukri, New Delhi Sarkari Jobs, New Delhi Government jobs, IRCON INTERNATIONAL Limited jobs india, Electrical Fitters jobs india