Walk-In-Interview for the posts of Medical Officers (Chest Spacialist) and Pharmacists on 10/01/2008.
The Kolkata Municipal Corporation is going to engage some Medical Professionals on contract basis for its Dispensaries and Chest Clinics and T.B. Hospitals in Kolkata. A Walk-In-Interview will be held on 10/01/2008 at 11.00 AM at the Institute of Urban Management, 36C, Ballygaung Cicular Road, Kolkata-700019 for the posts per details given here :
Interested candidates are requested to appear before the Interview Board with a copy of Bio-data addressed to the Municipal Commissioner, Kolkata Municipal Corporation, 5, S.N. Banerjee Road, Kolkata – 700013 mentioning the post applied for, Name (Block Letters), Father’s Name/ Husband’s Name, Present Address (for communication), Permanent Address, Ph. no. (Residential and Office), Date of Birth, Age as on 01/10/2008, Educational Qualifications (mentioning Marks/ Grade), Experience in Details and a declaration thath information furnished in application are tru to his/her best of knowledge and belief in neatly handwritten or typed copy along with the Originals as well as attested copies of testimonials in support of age, educational qualifications, experience etc. A recent passport size photogrpah duly attested must be pasted at the top right hand corner of the bio-data sheet. Interview for the post of Medical Officer will be held from 11.00 am to 2.00pm and for the post of Pharmacists from 2.30 pm onwards on 10/01/2008.