GAUTAM BUDDHA UNIVERSITY Greater Noida -201308 (U.P.)
About Company:
The Gautam Buddha University established by U.P.Act (9) of 2002 as passed by U.P. Legislature would commence its first academic session at its campus at Greater Noida in Aug.2008. The University is being developed as a fully residential campus, with air conditioned classrooms, library, meditation-centre, computer centre, instrumentation centre, seminar-halls and well equipped laboratories. The University shall also be having gymnasiums, swimming pools, auditoriums and sports ground within the campus. 30% area of the campus is being developed as a green belt and about 25,000 trees are being planted over its 511 acre campus.
Name of the Post: Assistant System Manager
Qualification: B.Tech./MCA with two years experience at appropriate Level. Knowledge of networking, hardware & operating software’s will be given preference.
Name of the Post: Accounts Officer
Qualification: M.Com. with First Division and minimum 03 years experience at Asstt. Accounts Officer or equivalent level, in a national level institutes of excellence. Knowledge of Computer working is essential.
Name of the Post: Assistant Librarian
Qualification: M.Lib. with I Division and minimum 03 years experience at appropriate level, in a national level institutes of excellence.
Name of the Post: Physical Training Instructor
Qualification: Post Graduation degree with First Division in the relevant field
Name of the Post: Accountant
Qualification: M.Com with First Division and minimum 03years experience at Asstt. Accountant or equivalent level.
Name of the Post: Cashier
Qualification: B.Com. with minimum 03 years experience at Asstt. Cashier or equivalent level in a national level institutes of excellence.
Name of the Post: Cataloguer
Qualification: B.Lib. with I Division and minimum 02 years experience at degree level technical institute.
Pay Scales:
Assistant System Manager – 10000-325-15200
Accounts Officer – 8000-275-13500
Assistant Librarian – 8000-275-13500
Physical Training Instructor – 6500-200-10500
Accountant – 5500-175-9000
Cashier – 5000-150-8000
Cataloguer – 4000-100-6000
How to apply for above post:
Interested candidates may send their applications in the prescribed proforma to “The Registrar, Gautam Buddha University, Greater Noida” on or before 31st July 2008.
The suitable candidates may be called for interview as per rules of the University. The number of post at each level are not fixed as flexible staff structure is adopted in the University:
Last Date of Application Submission:
31st July 2008.
Application Form /Advertisement Source Credits:
Keywords: Sarkari Naukri india, Sarkari jobs india, Government naukri india, Jobs in Greater Noida, Greater Noida Sarkari Naukri, Greater Noida Sarkari Jobs, Greater Noida Government jobs, Gautam Buddha University jobs india, Assistant System Manager jobs india, Accounts Officer jobs india, Assistant Librarian jobs india, Physical Training Instructor jobs india, Accountant jobs india, Cashier jobs india, Cataloguer jobs india