Sarkari Result Bharti 2024

Delhi High Court requires Personal Assistants

Sher shah Raod, Delhi

Applications are invited from the Indian Nationals for filling up the following posts on the establishment of this Court:

Mode of Selection : Selection shall be made on the basis of written Examination comprising of one paper in English language (Essay, Grammar and Translation). The candidates who are declared qualified in English language paper will be called to appear for a shorthand test. The short-listed candidates would also undergo an interview.

Application Fee : Application fee in the form of Demand Draft/ Postal order of Rs. 200/- drawn in favour of Registrar General, Delhi High Court. No fee shall be payable by the SC/ ST/ PH Candidates.

How to Apply : Application in the prescribed format with two recent passport size photographs duly attested by a Gazetted Officer alongwith attested copies of testimonial should be sent by Registered A.D. Post with the words “APPLICATIONS FOR THE POST OF SENIOR PERSONAL ASSISTANT/PERSONAL ASSISTANT” superscribed on the envelope, addressed to the Joint Registrar(Estt.), Delhi High Court, Sher Shah Road, New Delhi- 110003, so as to reach him not later than 15/02/2008.

For more information and application form, kindly view

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