Sarkari Result Bharti 2024

Engineering jobs in Indo German Tool Room IGTR Ahmedabad

Name and Address of Company:


IGTR is set up at Ahmedabad under agreement between Govt. of India & Germany. The main objective of the Tool room are to manufacture complex and high quality tool organizing professional, long and short term training courses in the field of tool and die making etc. The tool room is looking for following persons in the respective fields and invite applications for filling up the following positions.

1. Sr. Manager-Production / PPC, Rs.12000-375-16500 , 45yrs., 1UR

2. Sr. Engineer-Design & QC, Rs.8000-275-13500, 35 yrs., 1UR

3. Sr. Engineer-Training, Rs.8000-275-13500, 35 yrs. ,1UR

4. Engineer-Training, Rs.5500-175-9000, 30 yrs., 3UR,1OBC

5. Engineer-Production / HT / PPC, Rs.5500-175-9000, 30 yrs, 1UR

6. Engineer-Consultancy & Marketing, Rs.5500-175-9000, 30 yrs., 1UR

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How to apply for above post:
Apply on plain paper neatly typed / handwritten with name, address, qualification, experience , job responsibilities etc. along with recent photograph. Persons working in Government or Quassi Government or Public sector or undertaking should apply through proper channel with an advance copy. Apply seperately for each post. Application should be sent along with photocopies of all the testimonials to the GENERAL MANAGER , INDO GERMAN TOOL ROOM, PLOT NO-5003 PHASE IV, GIDC VATVA, AHMEDABAD – 382445 so as to reach him within 15 days from date of issue of this advertisement. Please note that Management reserves the right to alter the eligibility standards. Mere fulfillment of the eligibility norms will not entitle a candidate to be called for interview and the decision of the management in this regard shall be final and binding.

Last Date of Application Submission:
Within 15 days from date of issue of this advertisement

Application Form /Advertisement Source Credits:

Keywords: Jobs in Ahmedabad, Ahmedabad Sarkari Naukri, Ahmedabad Sarkari Jobs, Ahmedabad Government jobs, Indo German Tool Room, IGTR, Sr. Manager-Production, Sr. Engineer-Design & QC, Sr. Engineer-Training, Engineer-Training, Engineer-Production, Engineer-Consultancy & Marketing

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