Sarkari Result Bharti 2024


Name and Address of Company:
CCS HAU, Hisar-125 004-02, Haryana

Sarkari Jobs in this post: Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, District Extension Specialist, Lady Medical Officer, Sr. Technical Assistant, Training Assistant, School Teachers, Computer Programmers-, X-ray Technician, Bus Driver, Jeep/Car Driver, Steno-typist, Auxilary Nurse, Clerk

Applications from the eligible candidates are invited for filling the following vacant posts on the prescribed application forms obtainable along with prescribed qualifications and instructions/conditions

1. Associate Professor (Information Technology) at EEI Nilokheri (one) in Rs.12000- 18300
2. Associate Professor (HRD) at EEI Nilokheri (one) in Rs.12000-18300
3. Assistant Professor (Farm Power & Machinery) (two) in Rs. 8000-13500.
4. Assistant Agri. Engineer (Farm Power & Machinery) (one) in Rs.8000-13500
5. Assistant Professor (Agril. Processing & Energy) (three) in Rs.8000-13500
6. Assistant Professor (three- one each in Civil Engg., Elect. Engg. & Mech. Engg.) in Rs.8000-13500
7. Assistant Professor (Soil & Water Engineering) (one)- in Rs.8000-13500
8. District Extension Specialist for KVKs in Rs. 8000-13500 (twenty one)- in the discipline of Veg. Science (one), Entomology (three), Animal Science (two), Vety. Science (one), Plant Pathology (two), Agronomy (three), Extension Education (two), Agro-forestry (two), Home Science ( one), Agri. Economics (two),Agri. Engineering (one) and Soil & Water Engineering (one).
9. Assistant Professor (Computer/ICVT) at EEI Nilokheri (one) in Rs.8000-13500
10. Assistant Economic Botanist (PB) (one) in Rs.8000-13500
11. Assistant Professor (Agronomy) (reserved for SC candidate) (one)- in Rs.8000- 13500
12. Assistant Professor (APT-Specialization in Meat Technology) (one) in Rs.8000- 13500
13. Assistant Professor (LPM) (two)- in Rs.8000-13500
14. Assistant Research Scientist (APP) (Reserved for SC candidate) (one)- in Rs.8000-13500
15. Assistant Scientist (Agro-Forestry) (Reserved for SC candidate) (one)- in Rs.8000-13500
16. Assistant Plant Physiologist (Reserved for SC candidate) (one)- in Rs.8000-13500
17. Assistant Professor (Fisheries–specialization in Fish Hatchery) (two)- in Rs.8000-13500.
18. Assistant Professor (Vety. Bio-Chemistry) (one)- in Rs.8000-13500.
19. Assistant Scientist (Vety. Bio-Chemistry) (one)- in Rs.8000-13500.
20. Assistant Professor (Vety. Parasitology) (one)- in Rs.8000-13500.
21. Assistant Professor (Vety. Pathology) (one)- in Rs.8000-13500
22. Assistant Scientist (Vety. Pathology) (one)- in Rs.8000-13500
23. Assistant Professor (Vety. Public Health) (one)- in Rs.8000-13500
24. Assistant Professors (Vety. Epidemiology & Preventive Medicine) (two)- in Rs.8000-13500
25. Assistant Scientist (Vety. Physiology) (one)- in Rs.8000-13500
26. Assistant Disease Investigation Officers (ADIO) (four)-one reserved for SC candidate- in Rs.8000-13500
27. Assistant Professor (Vety. & Animal Husbandry Extension) (one)- in Rs.8000- 13500
28. Assistant Professors (Vety. Clinical Medicine) (Two)- in Rs.8000-13500
29. Assistant Professor (Vety. Surgery) (two)- in Rs.8000-13500
30. Assistant Professor (Animal Reproduction, Gyna. & Obsts. ) (two)- in Rs.8000- 13500
31. Assistant Scientist (Animal Reproduction, Gyna. & Obsts. ) (one)- in Rs.8000- 13500
32. Assistant Scientist (Vety. Microbiology) (one)- in Rs.8000-13500
33. Assistant Scientist (Anatomy & Histology) (one)- in Rs.8000-13500
34. Lady Medical Officer (one) (reserved for SC Gen.) in Rs.8000-13500
35. Sr. Technical Assistant (seven) in the discipline of Plant Breeding (reserved for SC), Plant Pathology (reserved for SC), Horticulture, Agri. Metereology, Soil Science, Agril. Engg. and Forestry) in Rs.5500-9000.
36. Training Assistant (KVK Farm) (Seven) (Gen.3, SC-2, BCA-1, ESM Gen.1) in Rs.5500-9000.
37. Training Assistant (Nine) (Gen.3, ESM Gen.1, SC-2, BCA-2, BCB-1) in Rs.5500- 9000.
38. School Teachers (two) (one for Science & Math. for SC Gen.) and (one for Hindi/Sanskrit for SC ESM) in Rs.5500-9000
39. Computer Programmers-12 (Gen. 6, BCA-2, BCB-1, ESM Gen.1, SC-2) in Rs.5500-9000
40. X-ray Technician (one) in Rs.5000-7850.
41. Bus Driver (two) (one reserved for ESM-Gen.) in Rs.4000-6000+200SP
42. Jeep/Car Driver (Twenty one) (Gen.10, ESM Gen.2, BCA ESM-1, BCB ESM-1, SC- 4, BCA-2, BCB-1) in Rs. 4000-6000+300SP.
43. Steno-typist (twenty) (SC Gen.14, SC Sports-1, SC ESM-2, BCB ESM-1, PH-2 – one each for Blind/Partially Blind and Deaf & Dumb) inRs.3050-4590+100SP.
44. Auxilary Nurse (Two) Gen. in Rs.4000-6000+Nursing allowance
45. Clerk (two) (one each for SC ESM and PH – Deaf & Dumb) in Rs.3050- 4590+40SP.

Qualification: Read here :

How to apply for above post:
Applications from the eligible candidates are invited for filling the following vacant posts on the prescribed application forms obtainable alongwith prescribed qualifications and instructions/conditions from the Assistant Registrar (GA), CCS HAU, Hisar on payment of Rs. 750/- (Rs. 190/- for SC/BC of Haryana) for the posts at Sr. No. 1 to 34 and Rs.400/- (Rs.100/- for SC/BC of Haryana) for the posts at Sr. No. 35 to 45 by cash at the counter OR by post by sending demand draft of Rs. 800/- (Rs.240/- for SC/BC of Haryana) for the posts at Sr. No.1 to 34 and Rs.450/- (Rs. 150/- for SC/BC of Haryana) for the posts at Sr. No. 35 to 45 drawn in favour of Registrar, CCS HAU, Hisar payable at Hisar. The complete application form should reach the Registrar, CCS HAU, Hisar-125 004-02 by 11.9.2008 (22.9.2008 for candidates residing abroad). Inservice candidates should apply through proper channel. Benefit of
reservation will be admissible only to those SC / B C / PH / ESM / Sports candidates who are domicile of Haryana State.

The last date for receipt of application forms for the above said posts, as per Advertisement No.4/2008 was fixed as 11.9.2008 (22.9.2008 for the candidates residing abroad). Keeping in view the changed qualifications, last dates for the receipt of the applications for these posts have been extended upto 26.9.2008 (6.10.2008 for the candidates residing abroad).

Rs.400/- (Rs.100/- for SC/BC of Haryana), Rs. 800/- (Rs.240/- for SC/BC of Haryana)

Last Date of Application Submission:
11.9.2008 (22.9.2008 for candidates residing abroad), 26.9.2008 (6.10.2008 for the candidates residing abroad).

Application Form /Advertisement Source Credits:

Keywords: Sarkari Naukri india, Sarkari jobs india, Government naukri india, Jobs in Haryana, Haryana Sarkari Naukri, Haryana Sarkari Jobs, Haryana Government jobs, CHAUDHARY CHARAN SINGH HARYANA AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY jobs india, Faculty jobs india, Associate Professor jobs india, Assistant Professor jobs india, District Extension Specialist jobs india, Lady Medical Officer jobs india, Sr. Technical Assistant jobs india, Training Assistant jobs india, School Teachers jobs india, Computer Programmers jobs india, X-ray Technician jobs india, Bus Driver jobs india, Jeep/Car Driver jobs india, Steno-typist jobs india, Auxilary Nurse jobs india, Clerk jobs india

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