Name and Address of Company:
Chhatrapati Shahuji Maharaj Medical University, U.P., Lucknow- 226003
Sarkari Jobs in this post: Lecturer/Assistant Professor, Assistant Public Health Engineer-cum-Lecturer
Applications are re-invited for Backlog posts for reserved category under special drive for the recruitment of suitable candidates for the following listed faculty posts.
Name of the Post: Lecturer/Assistant Professor – Pharmacology
No. of Vacancy: SC- 01
Scale of Pay: Rs. 8,550-275-14,600 / Rs. 11,625-325-15,200
Qualification: M.D. (Pharmacology)/MBBS with Ph.D. (Med. Pharmacology)/ M.Sc. (Med. Pharmacology) with Ph.D. (Med. Pharmacology)/ M.Sc. (Med. Pharmacology) with D.Sc. (Med. Pharmacology).
Name of the Post: Lecturer/Assistant Professor – Plastic Surgery
No. of Vacancy: SC- 01
Scale of Pay: Rs. 8,550-275-14,600 / Rs. 11,625-325-15,200
Qualification: M.Ch.(Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery)/M.Ch.(Plastic Surgery)
Name of the Post: Assistant Public Health Engineer-cum-Lecturer(NM) – Community Medicine (earlier Social & Preventive Medicine)
No. of Vacancy: SC- 01
Scale of Pay: Rs. 8,550-275-14,600
Qualification: B.E.Civil Engineering or equivalent with Masters Degree in Public Health Engineering.
How to apply for above post:
Eligibility as per MCI norms and Chhatrapati Shahuji Maharaj Medical University Act-2002 shall be applicable. Details including format of applications can be obtained free from the office of the Registrar, Sction-B-Appointment Cell. Application should be sent to the Registrar, CSMMU, UP, Lucknow- 226003 to reach not later than 30-09-2008. Incomplete applications shall not be considered and treated as rejected. Persons in employment should send their applications through proper channel. (Advance copy will be accepted but copy through proper channel/NOC must be submitted before the date of interview.) Reservation and age relaxation for all the reserved category candidates will be applicable as per U.P.Govt. rules. Reservation norms for SC category will be determined as per notification of U.P.Govt. only. The application form can also be downloaded from this University website The University Authority reserves the right to reject any or all applications without assigning any reason.
Last Date of Application Submission:
Application Form /Advertisement Source Credits:
Keywords: Sarkari Naukri india, Sarkari jobs india, Government naukri india, Jobs in Lucknow, Lucknow Sarkari Naukri, Lucknow Sarkari Jobs, Lucknow Government jobs, special drive jobs india, Faculty jobs india , Chhatrapati Shahuji Maharaj Medical University jobs india, Lecturer jobs india , Assistant Professor jobs india, Assistant Public Health Engineer jobs india