Sarkari Result Bharti 2024

Faculty Jobs in ASCI Hyderabad

Name and Address of Company:
ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF COLLEGE OF INDIA, Bella Vista, Hyderabad – 500 082, India

Sarkari Jobs in this post: Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor

About Company:
Administrative Staff College of India (ASCI) is the College for practising managers that pioneered post-experience management education in India. Established in 1956 at the initiative of government and the corporate world, ASCI has focused its efforts on professionalizing management. Its unique blend of management development, consultancy, research, and information technology pursuits are structured to developing strategic thinking, reformist leadership, and state-of-the-art skills among practising managers/administrators, to effectively manage regulatory, governmental, public and private sector corporate bodies.

Following a report on its future directions by a Committee of its Governors headed by Dr Abid Hussain, the College has embarked on a programme of change and is seeking candidates to fill about 5 new faculty positions in the following broad areas of its work. Applications are invited for faculty positions in the following areas:

– Strategic Management Area
– Marketing Area

– Centre for Poverty Studies and Rural Development
– Centre for Energy, Environment, Urban Governance and Infrastructure Development

Research Fellows
The College is also interested in receiving applications from young scholars to join as Research Fellows in the following centers:

1. Public Policy, Governance and Performance
2. Human Development
3. Management Studies
4. Innovation and Technology
5. Economics and Finance
6. Energy, Environment, Urban Governance and Infrastructure Development
7. Poverty Studies and Rural Development

Scale of Pay: Professor (Scale of Pay: 18400-500-22400), Associate Professor (Scale of Pay: Rs.16400-450-20900-500-22400) and Assistant Professor (Scale of Pay: Rs.12000-420-18300) level positions in the areas indicated.

Qualification: The candidate, ideally between 35 – 45 years of age, should have a post-graduate or doctoral degree with specialisation in the related field from reputed institutions, with 5 to 10 years of experience in management training, consultancy and research.

How to apply for above post:
Candidates meeting the above requirements may apply in confidence, giving two references enclosing a detailed resume as per the format attached, within 15 days to:

The Registrar and Secretary
ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF COLLEGE OF INDIA, Bella Vista, Hyderabad – 500 082, India, Phone: +91-40-66533082

Application Form /Advertisement Source Credits:

Keywords: Sarkari Naukri india, Sarkari jobs india, Government naukri india, Jobs in Hyderabad , Hyderabad Sarkari Naukri, Hyderabad Sarkari Jobs, Hyderabad Government jobs, ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF COLLEGE OF INDIA, ASCI , Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor

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