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The premier University for Women’s education
Faculty Positions
Bright, dynamic and talented professionals are required for Vidyapith’s Apaji Institute of Mathematics & Applied Computer Technology at its Banasathali main campus as well as Jaipur Campus for regular faculty positions of Professor, Reader, Lecturer, Programmer and Research Associates in the following subjects/specialisation of Science & Engineering:
1. Computer Science : Distributed Computing, Theory of Comutation; Software Engineering, Digital Image Processing, Mobile Computing
2. Electronics : analog & Digital Electronics, Communication, DSP, Electronic Design, VLSI Design and Embeded Systems
3. Mathematics & Statistics : Algebra, Analysis, Topology, Discrete Mathematics, Operations Research, Reliability, Demography, Time Series & Stochastic Processes, Fuzzy logic & Belief theory
4. Engineering Drawing : Machine Drawing, Engineering Graphics
5. Physics : Condensed Matter Physics, High Energy Physics, Nanostructures & Nanotechnology, Laser & Fibre Optics
Qualification and pay-scales as per UGC norms.
How to apply for above post:
Academicians interested in Professorship may kindly send their Bio-Data in envelope marked confidential to Prof. Aditya Shastri, Vice Chancellor, Banasthali Vidyapith – 304022 (Raj.). All other applications on plain paper containing the detailed bio-data duly supported by testimonials and reprint of research publications alonlgwith a passport size photograph with IPO of Rs.50/- (Rs.20/-for SC/ST) should reach witin 15 days to Secretary, Banasthali Vidyapith -304022 (Raj.) Application can also be submitted electronically to
Visit for more information.
Rs.50/- (Rs.20/-for SC/ST)
Last Date of Application Submission:
Witin 15 days
Application Form /Advertisement Source Credits:
Keywords: Jobs in Vidyapith , jobs in Banasthali University, teaching jobs, Professor jobs india, Reader jobs india, Lecturer jobs india, Programmer jobs india, Research Associates jobs india, Faculty jobs india, Vidyapith Sarkari Naukri, Vidyapith Sarkari Jobs, Vidyapith Government jobs