Sarkari Jobs in this post: Associate Professor
Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, SINP, (Aided Institute under Department of Atomic Energy, Govt. of India), Sector-1, Block AF, Bidhannagar, Kolkata 700064, WB – India, No.SINP/Advt./Estt/4/2009.
Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, SINP, Candidates with Ph.D. degree with at least two years post – doctoral experience may apply. He/She may be appointed as Associate Professor at the appropriate starting salary. Applications are invited from eligible Indian Nationals for filling up the following posts of Associate Professor-E for the following Divisions/Sections of this Institute:
Various Divisions/Sections:
i. Crystallography & Molecular Biology Division 1 post ii. Structural Genomics Section 1 post iii. Nuclear And Atomic Physics Division 1 post iv. Surface Physics Division 1or 2 post/s v. Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics Division 1 post vi. Chemical Sciences Division 1 post, vii. Theory Division/Centre for Astroparticle Physics Section 1 or 2 posts, viii. Experimental Condensed Matter Physics Division 1 post
Pay Scale : Rs.15600 to 39100/- Grade Pay Rs. 7600/- (PB-3)
Essential qualifications for all the above posts: Candidates with Ph.D. degree with at least two years post-doctoral experience with some recognition amongst scientists in his/her area of specialization by virtue of the merit or his/her publications may be appointed as Associate Professor at the appropriate starting salary. The candidate should have proven ability of guiding research of junior workers, ability to communicate and interact with other scientists, and flexibility of outlook and attitude to take independent charge of assigned sub areas belonging to a major project or broad area of research of the Institute.
Age Limit: 40 years as on closing date of receiving application (15.09.2009).
How to apply for above post:
Application should be made by sending a Curriculum Vitae with a list of publications. The names and addresses (including e-mail) of these referees, should be mentioned in the CV. Outer cover of the application should be marked as application for the post of Associate Professor-E for
..division as the case may be. Application Send to Shri S.K. Gupta, Establishment Officer, SINP, Sector-1, Block AF, Bidhannagar, Kolkata 700064, WB – India, within 15.09.2009.
Last Date of Application Submission: 15.09.2009.
Application Form /Advertisement Source Credits:
Keywords: Sarkari Naukri india, Sarkari jobs india, Government naukri india, Jobs in Kolkata, Kolkata Sarkari Naukri, Kolkata Sarkari Jobs, Kolkata Government jobs in India, Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics Jobs in Kolkata, SINP Jobs in Kolkata, Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics jobs in India, SINP jobs in India, Associate Professor-E Jobs in Kolkata, Associate Professor-E jobs in India