Sarkari Jobs in this post: Senior Research Engineer, Associate Professor, Extension Specialist, Horticulturist, Plant Pathologist, Zoologist, Agricultural Engineer at outstation, Assistant, Accounts Officer, Admn.-cum-Accounts Officer, Store-Keepers, Chowkidars
Punjab Agricultural University, PAU, Registrar – Ludhiana Punjab, Advertisement No.01/2009.
Punjab Agricultural University, PAU, Eligible candidates Applications are invited for the following posts on the prescribed form (alongwith detailed qualifications, experience requirements & other relevant information) obtainable from the Assistant Registrar, Thapar Hall, PAU, Ludhiana from 9.00 a.m. to 1.30 p.m. Faculty Vacancies in Punjab Agricultural University as follows:
1. Dean, College of Basic Sciences & Humanities (For a term of four years), 01 Post, Pay Scales: Rs.16400-22400 (with initial start of Rs.17300) plus Rs.1000/- special allowance & rent free accommodation.
2. Senior Research Engineer: Pay Scales: Rs.16400-22400.
3. Associate Professor of Botany: Pay Scales: Rs.12000-18300.
4. Associate Professor of Vegetable Crops: Pay Scales: Rs.12000-18300.
5. Extension Specialist (Soil & Water Engineering), Pay Scales: Rs.12000-18300.
6. Horticulturist: Pay Scales: Rs.12000-18300.
7. Plant Pathologist: Pay Scales: Rs.12000-18300.
8. Zoologist (Rodents): Pay Scales: Rs.12000-18300.
9. Agricultural Engineer at outstation: Pay Scales: Rs.12000-18300.
10. Assistant Ornithologist: Pay Scales: Rs.8000-13500.
11. Assistant Biotechnologist: Pay Scales: Rs.8000-13500.
12. Assistant Plant Bacteriologist: Pay Scales: Rs.8000-13500.
13. Assistant Geneticist: Pay Scales: Rs.8000-13500.
14. Assistant Professor (Soil Science), KVK: Pay Scales: Rs.8000-13500.
15. Assistant Botanist: Pay Scales: Rs.8000-13500.
16. Assistant Professor (Chemistry): Pay Scales: Rs.8000-13500.
17. District Extension Specialist (Vegetables), KVK: Pay Scales: Rs.8000-13500.
18. Assistant Horticulturist at outstation: Pay Scales: Rs.8000-13500.
19. Assistant Professor (Horticulture) (Four posts) KVK’s: Pay Scales: Rs.8000-13500.
20. Assistant Professor (Agronomy) (Three posts) KVK’s: Pay Scales: Rs.8000-13500.
21. Assistant Soil Chemist: Pay Scales: Rs.8000-13500.
22. Assistant Plant Pathologist: Pay Scales: Rs.8000-13500.
23. Assistant Seed Production Specialist: Pay Scales: Rs.8000-13500.
24. Assistant Professor (Vety. Science): Pay Scales: Rs.8000-13500.
25. Assistant Professor (Nanotechnology): Pay Scales: Rs.8000-13500.
26. Assistant Professor (Nanoscience): Pay Scales: Rs.8000-13500.
27. Accounts Officer & equivalent: Pay Scales: Rs.12000-15500 plus Rs.600/- p.m. special allowance.
28. Admn.-cum-Accounts Officer & equivalent (Three posts): Pay Scales: Rs.7220-11660 plus Rs.600/- p.m. special allowance.
29. Store-Keepers (G-III): Pay Scales: Rs.5000-8100.
30. Chowkidars (Three posts): Pay Scales: Rs.5000-8100.
The details of qualifications and experience etc. are also available at PAU website (
How to apply for above post:
The duly completed application forms with prescribed Should be send to the Comptroller, PAU, Ludhiana should reach the Registrar, PAU, Ludhiana by 21.07.2009.
Fees: Rs.500/- (for posts at Sr.No.1 & 2), Rs.300/- (for posts at Sr.No.3 to 9), Rs.200/- (for posts at Sr.Nos.10 to 28), Rs.75/- for the post at Sr.No.29 and Rs.30/- for post at Sr.No.30/- in the shape of Bank draft/Indian Postal Orders payable to the Comptroller, PAU, Ludhiana.
Last Date of Application Submission: 21.07.2009
Application Form /Advertisement Source Credits:
Keywords: Sarkari Naukri india, Sarkari jobs india, Government naukri india, Jobs in Ludhiana, Ludhiana Sarkari Naukri, Ludhiana Sarkari Jobs, Ludhiana Government jobs in India, Punjab Agricultural University Jobs in Ludhiana, PAU Jobs in Ludhiana, Punjab Agricultural University jobs in India, PAU jobs in India, Senior Research Engineer jobs in India, Associate Professor jobs in India, Extension Specialist jobs in India, Horticulturist jobs in India, Plant Pathologist jobs in India, Zoologist jobs in India, Agricultural Engineer at outstation jobs in India, Assistant jobs in India, Accounts Officer jobs in India, Admn.-cum-Accounts Officer jobs in India, Store-Keepers jobs in India, Chowkidars jobs in India