Agricultural meteorology is an applied meteorology which deals with the influence of weather on crop husbandry as well as animal husbandry. It is concerned with the physical processes of the above environment, which can be exploited to solve the problems relating to sustainable agricultural production.
Role of Government jobs as agricultural meteorologists
Agricultural meteorologists are trained to deal with soil, water, weather, crops and meteorological principles to agriculture. As the success or failure of agriculture depends upon the chains of five factors viz, seeds, soil, weather, technology and farmer’s skills, any weak link in the chain finally determine the agricultural production.
Scope of agricultural meteorology govt.job
– To study climatic recourses of given area for effective crop production.
– To develop weather based effective farm operations.
– To study crop weather relationship in all major crops and forecast yield.
– To establish the relationship between weather parameter and crop pest and disease infestation.
– To modify the microclimate through various means to raise agricultural productivity and also to get off-season crop.
– To delineate agro climatic zones for defining agro climatic analogues so as to make effective and fast transfer of technology for sustainable development of agriculture.
– To prepare crop weather diagrams and crop weather calendars for ease of farmers.
– To develop crop growth simulation models for assessing/ obtaining potential yield in various agro climatic zones.
– To monitor droughts on crop wise as well as area wise for effective drought management and finally.
– To develop weather based agro advisories to sustain crop production by utilizing various weather forecasts and climatic forecasts.
Status of agricultural meteorology government job in India
A separate division of agricultural meteorology was started in 1932 as one of the division of the India meteorological Department (IMD) Pune, to deal with the studies of Agril. Meteorology under the auspice of India council of Agril. Research (ICAR) and got the status of permanent department of the IMD in 1943.
The national commission on agriculture (1976) has recommended a separate department of Agril. Meteorology in all state Agricultural Universities (SAUs) and ICAR research institutes to strengthen teaching, research and extension in Agril. Meteorology and to train the technical personnel.
The ICAR has started a separate “All India Co-ordinate Research project on Agro meteorology” (AICRP on Agro meteorology) in 1985 under dry land agriculture and attached to the central research institute for the dry land agriculture (CRIDA). The ICAR also supports research project in Agril. Meteorology under ICAR ad-hoc schemes and national agriculture technology project (NAPT).
The Department of science and technology (DST) Govt. of India has a mission mode research project under the national center for medium range weather forecasting (NCMRWF) and Agro meteorological advisory services.
Career Opportunities for Agril. Meteorologists.
Meteorologists can work in academia for research and developmental activities in private and government agencies such as central and state Agril. Universities, India council of agricultural research (ICAR). India space research organization (ISRO), space application center (SAC), National remote sensing agency (NRSA), Department of science and technology (DST), Food and agriculture organization (FAO), In private sector Agril. Meteorologists work as consultants to many organizations including NGOs involved in water shed management, command area and rural development programmers The job opportunities in government sector includes teaching, research and development and extension activities as scientists, Assistant professors, research officials, subject matter specialists and Agril. Meteorologists at senior level in various universities, SAUS, KVKs,ICAR,DST,ISRO,NRSA,FAO and other organizations involved in high level research, development extension consul-tancies, planning policy framing activities.
Postgraduate Degree in Agricultural Meteorology
Professional degree at PG and Doctorate level in Agril. Meteorology are offered by state agricultural Universities (SAUs), Deemed Universities (DUs).
Keywords: Government Jobs, Govt. jobs india, indian government recruitment, government vacancies, indian government jobs, government career, agricultural meteorology jobs