Name and Address of Company:
UTTARAKHAND FOREST HOSPITAL TRUST MEDICAL COLLEGE AND DR. S.T.M. FOREST HOSPITAL, RAMPUR ROAD, HALDWANI, NAINITAL, UTTARAKHAND -263139 (Approved by Govt. of India & Medical Council of India) TEL. 05946 – 234104, 234397, 220641, FAX: 05946-234423. Website : www.ufhtindia. com.
Sarkari Jobs in this post: Principal/Dean, Professor/ Assoc. Professor/ Astt. Professor, Medical Officer, Medical Physicist
Applications are invited for the following vacant posts in the Uttarakhand Forest Hospital Trust Medical College and Dr. S.T.M. Forest Hospital at Haldwani, Uttarakhand.
Name of the Post: Principal/Dean
No. of Vacancy: 01 post
Scale of Pay: Rs.18400–500–22400/-
Qualification: As prescribed by the Medical Council of India Regulations 1998.
Name of the Post: Professor
No. of Vacancy: 01 post
Scale of Pay: Rs.16400-450-20000/-
Qualification: As prescribed by the Medical Council of India Regulations 1998.
Name of the Post: Associate Professor
No. of Vacancy: 10 posts
Scale of Pay: Rs.14300-400-18300/-
Qualification: As prescribed by the Medical Council of India Regulations 1998.
Name of the Post: Assistant Professor
No. of Vacancy: 53 posts
Scale of Pay: Rs.11625-325-15200/-
Qualification: As prescribed by the Medical Council of India Regulations 1998.
Name of the Post: Medical Officer – (For Department of Forensic Medicine)
No. of Vacancy: 02 posts
Scale of Pay: Rs. 8000-275-13500
Qualification: P .G. Qualification Forensic Medicine/Biochemistry/Pathology/Microbiology.
Name of the Post: Medical Physicist – (For Swami Rama Memorial Cancer Hospital & Research Institute)
No. of Vacancy: 02 posts
Scale of Pay: Rs. 8000-275-13500.
Qualification:M .Sc (Physics) from a recognized University and
How to apply for above post:
a. The candidates may apply on the prescribed Application Form that may be downloaded from our Website:
b. The envelope containing application should be clearly super scribed “Application for the post of.… . . . “.
c. The Application forms may be addressed to the Secretary, Uttarakhand Forest Hospital Trust, Rampur Road, Haldwani-263139 (Nainital) (Personnel Management Section) and must reach the Institute on or before 20.08.2008
Last Date of Application Submission:
Application Form /Advertisement Source Credits:
Download Application:
Keywords: Sarkari Naukri india, Sarkari jobs india, Government naukri india, Jobs in Haldwani, Haldwani Sarkari Naukri, Haldwani Sarkari Jobs, Haldwani Government jobs, UTTARAKHAND FOREST HOSPITAL TRUST MEDICAL COLLEGE AND DR. S.T.M. FOREST HOSPITAL jobs india, Medical Council of India jobs india, Principal jobs india , Dean jobs india, Professor jobs india, Assoc. Professor jobs india, Astt. Professor jobs india, Medical Officer jobs india, Medical Physicist jobs india