Government Remote sensing in India has developed in the last twenty-five years. India entered the space age in1972 with the establishment of the department of space.
Since then, there has been a systematic growth of this programme resulting in a well integrated system having space, ground and application segments. After the success of the first Indian Satellite, Aryabhatta, in April 1975, a programme was initiated for launching experimental remote sensing satellite Bhaskara I and II (June 7, 1979 and November 20, 1981 respectively). The experience gained through these two satellites and Apple, The situation was ripe for launching operational satellite. Simultaneously, date reception station was established in sadh nagar, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh.
Why Remote Sensing
The concept of national natural Resources Management system (NNRMS) was mooted to find possible solution of the pressing problems in India concerning the increasing population and diminishing resources. Such a step was necessary because of phenomenal growth of population. Obviously there was pressure on the natural resources which got reduced. The productive utilization of wastelands was considered as a possible option to meet the demand of the teeming population. In order to bring more land under production, it is necessary to assess the status of different natural resources such as water, land, soil, vegetation etc. At this juncture, remote sensing became an essential tool for management, development, planning.
Making a Career as Government job in Remote Sensing
Careers are essentially hope filled endeavors that can improve people’s lives and result in knowledge that all people can share. Your own goals will determine which academic or professional degree is most appropriate for you. Many people find satisfying govt. careers in a variety of positions after high school, 10+2 or after the bachelor’s degree. Others find to a masters degree. Equip them to professional careers. For research and/or teaching at the university level, a Ph.D. will be required.
Of course, these are a limit to how career fully students can or should try to plan for an unknowable future. It appears that careers proceed in a more or less straight line, beginning with an undergraduate degree and leads directly to the position you anticipated. But most career paths are neither straight nor predictable. Government Careers can have sudden turns and new direction as life itself. Even your earliest steps along this path will probably be guided by accidents of timing and opportunity as much as by intention.
Government jobs seeds in a student’s life are sown as in fourth fifth standard and then slowly the career bifurcations become clearer with disciplines of study. Days are gone when children are generally used to opt for their careers on the experienced advice of their parents or other relatives. Some time these options may backfire and it is better that every child makes a choice for his potential, motivation and self assessment. It is purpose of this guide to help the readers in lying the foundation for his/her journey, no matte how many turns the path takes.
Selecting a Discipline
Think about your strengths and your weaknesses; make a list of each.
What are your career goals, and what school fits those best? Does that school offer inopportunity to obtain a board education, including the acquisition of career skills
Outside. Your primary field? Make a list of reasons why you like to study a particular discipline and a list of reasons why you don’t. Compare the two lists. Develop a schematic of your educational and career plan, imaging what you will be doing In 5, 10, and 20 years.
Review the current career market for your discipline and sub discipline a for Interdisciplinary areas that include your own. For each career option that appeals to you, what skills (academic, social, and other) are Needed? As an undergraduate, talk with faculty and students in potential graduate and professional
Programs and discuss potential programs with students and faculty and via internet
Bulletin boards. At both the under graduate and graduate level, take courses outside your med Primary field that you think will be useful in your career.
Plan ways to complete your degree expeditiously.
Selecting a Career
Remind yourself that planning your career path is ultimately your responsibility. Start thinking as early as you can about where you might work. Once you have had your Degree, start looking immediately; it might take several months to years to secure a Position. Make a list of the positive and negative aspects of various careers in which you are
Interested. What do your strengths and weaknesses tell you about the appropriateness of each government job? Seek a volunteer or internship position in a career area that you are considering. Seek help from people who work in careers in which you are interested and them to have Lunch with you so that you can ask them about their work and how do they are today. How do they spend their time? What do they find most satisfying and most disagreeable? Does the life that they describe appeal to you? If you’re an undergraduate, talk with several graduate students; if you’re a beginning Graduate student, talk with several advanced students or post-doctoral students, ask them. What they have learned that they wish they had know early in their careers.
General Suggestions
Take charge. Although you seek help from your schools counseling center and from Friends, your job search is in your hand. Recognize that finding a job with take a long time, and prepare your resume and start Looking for jobs early. Do not lose heart. Although a lucky few may find positions before leaving School, finding a good job normally take time and hard work. Develop a net work of contacts, both inside and outside your discipline and both on and off campus, to help you to understand the full range of opportunities available to you.
Volunteer for communication and leadership activities within your current activities; in a Disciplinary society, student organization, class, or laboratory.
Use computer aids to evaluate your attributes and improve your public-speaking skills. Be aware of new opportunities & Trends and constantly review advertisement in cities where employment centers are, and on the internet. Know yourself so that when you see an opening, you can market yourself-your Education, skills, and attributes. Take occasional classes (perhaps through distance learning techniques) that maintain your level of understanding of both your field and others or that add new skills (e.g., in Management and accounting) of use in any field. Review your career performance and satisfaction once a year throughout your life.
Keywords: Government Jobs, Govt. jobs india, indian government recruitment, government vacancies, indian government jobs, government career, Remote Sensing Government jobs, Remote Sensing jobs, Geo Informatics Government jobs, Geo Informatics jobs