IIHR Recruitment – Technical Assistant Vacancy – Last Date 18 June 2018
Sarkari Jobs in this post: Technical Assistant Vacancy
Company Name & Address:
Indian Institute of Horticultural Research (IIHR),Bangalore,
Karnataka 560089
Indian Institute of Horticultural Research (IIHR) recruits Technical Assistant Posts. Candidates with M.Sc. B.Sc. qualified experienced can apply.
Technical Assistant (B.Sc. M.Sc.)
No of post: 01
Age Limit: 21 to 40 year
Scale of Pay: INR 14000
Qualifications:Experience of working on mushroom will be preferred
How to apply for above Sarkari Naukri
Candidates have to bring all the educational/technical qualifications, Certificates/ Date of Birth/Caste Certificate/experience Certificate in original and two recent passport size photographs along with them for verification. Candidates without educational qualification Certificates in original or provisional will not be allowed to attend Interview. No TA/DA is permissible. Research Fellows/SRFs/JRFs who have earlier worked in the ICAR schemes/projects will be given preference for appointment over fresh candidates subject to their suitability and good conduct. In service RA/ SRF / JRF & other contractual staff presently engaged under various schemes / Project at this Institute must obtain “No Objection Certificate” from the concerned PI of the scheme. The Director, IIHR reserves the right either to fill up all the posts or any of them without assigning any reasons thereof.
General instructions : The period and duration of the scheme is tentative and the same may undergo change. The above position is purely on temporary basis and co-terminus with the project. The ICAR/IIHR will have no liabilities, whatsoever for their absorption at this Institute. Separate application should be submitted for each post. No two applications should be tied together. Applications not in prescribed proforma, incomplete application forms, unsigned applications, applications without project name, Name of the Principal Scientist / Principal Investigator or Co-PI and ONLINE applications are liable to be rejected. The application form complete in all respects along with duly supported attested copies of educational/technical qualifications, experience certificate etc. should reach the concerned PS/ PI/Co-PI, Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Hessaraghatta Lake Post, Bengaluru-560 089 – within the due date. Applications received after the due date for whatsoever the reason including postal delays will not be entertained
Detail of Interview: 29.06.2018
Last Date of Application Submission: 2018/06/18
Tags: B Sc, Bangalore, Karnataka, M. Sc, Technical, Assistant
Sarkari Naukri India, Sarkari jobs Joint India, Government naukri India, Jobs in Bangalore,Bangalore Sarkari Naukri, Bangalore Sarkari Jobs, Bangalore Government job, Technical Assistant (B.Sc. M.Sc.) Sarkari Naukri, Technical Assistant (B.Sc. M.Sc.) Bangalore,