Name and Address of Company:
Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Roorkee
Roorkee-247667 (Uttarakhand)
Advt. No. IITR/Estt(B)/E-2273/6203
Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee invites applications on the prescribed form for the following posts as per the details given against each.
1. Jr. Supdt. (Legal) : 01 post (Unreserved ), Pay Scale : Rs. 5500-9000
2. Jr. Engineer (Horticulture) (On Contract) : 01 post (OBC) , Duration : 03 years, Fixed emoluments : Rs.10000/- per month (consolidated)
3. Jr. Engineer (Civil) (On Contract) : 01 post (OBC), Fixed emoluments : Rs.10000/- per month (consolidated)
4. Jr. Lab. Asstt. : 01 post (ST) (On Contract), Duration : 03 years, Fixed emoluments : Rs.
6000/- per month (consolidated)
5. Jr. Attdt. (Female Aya) Semi-skilled : 01 (SC) (Visually Handicapped), Pay : Rs. 2650-4000
How to apply for above post:
The form may be obtained from Supdt., Estt.B Section, IIT Roorkee by sending a request with a self addressed envelope 9x4 duly affixed with stamps worth Rs. 5/- or the form may be downloaded from the Institutes Website The posts at Sl.No. 2, 3 & 4 are on contract basis for the period mentioned against each, and therefore the applications for these posts may be submitted on plain paper giving the information (Sl. No. & Name of Post applied for, Name of Applicant, Name of Father/Husband, Mailing & Permanent Address, Date of Birth, Category – SC/ST/OBC, Educational Qualifications, Experience, Physically Handicapped Status and other particulars, if any) with attested copies of certificates/degrees/marksheets, as applicable for each post.
Last Date of Application Submission:
30 days from the date of publication.
Application Form /Advertisement Source Credits:
Keyword: Roorkee Jobs, Roorkee IIT jobs, Indian Institute of Technology Engineer, Junior Engineer, Uttarakhand Sarkari Naukri, Uttarakhand Sarkari Jobs, Uttarakhand Government jobs