Jobs in Indian Navy 2018
Sarkari Jobs in this post: 10+2 (B.Tech) Cadet Entry Scheme (Permanent Commission)
Company Name & Address: Indian Navy
Applications are invited from Unmarried Male Candidates to join the prestigious Indian Naval Academy, Ezhimala, Kerala, for a four year degree course under the 10+2 (B.Tech) cadet Entry Scheme. Candidates should go through the Recruitment Notice carefully before applying for the post and ensure that they fulfill all the eligibility conditions like Age-Limit/Essential Qualifications (EQs)/ Experience/ Caste/ Category etc. as indicated in this Notice.
Age Limit: Born between 02 January 2000 and 01 July 2002 (both dates inclusive)
Scale of Pay: (a) Height and Weight: Minimum height – 157 cms with correlated weight as per age. Relaxation as per Govt. rules. (b) Eye Sight: The minimum acceptable vision standards for distant vision is 6/6, 6/9 correctable to 6/6, 6/6 with glasses. Should not be colour/ night blind. (c) Tattoo: Permanent body tattoos are not permitted on any part of the body, however, certain concessions are permitted to candidates belonging to tribal communities/ from tribal areas as declared by the Government of India. For other candidates permanent body tattoos are only permitted on inner face of forearms i.e. from inside of elbow to wrist and on the reverse side of palm/ back (dorsal) side of hand.
Qualifications:Passed Senior Secondary Examination (10+2 Pattern) or its equivalent examinations from any Board with at least 70% aggregate marks in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics (PCM-Passing in each subject mandatory) and at least 50% marks in English (either in Class X or Class XII).
Last Date of Application Submission: 22.11.2018
Tags: Indian Navy, Kerala, Cadet, Btech
Sarkari Naukri India, Sarkari jobs Joint India, Government naukri India, Jobs in Kerala,Kerala Sarkari Naukri, Kerala Sarkari Jobs, Kerala Government job, 10+2 (B. TECH) CADET ENTRY SCHEME (PERMANENT COMMISSION) Sarkari Naukri, 10+2 (B. TECH) CADET ENTRY SCHEME (PERMANENT COMMISSION) Kerala,