Name and Address of Company:
University of Lucknow
Lucknow – 226007
Advertisement No. 01/2008
With reference to Backlog Advertisement No. 01/2007 and 04/2007 published in newspapers dated 06.09.2007 and 12.09.2007 for different teaching posts, it is hereby notified that in the light of amendments in Statutes 11.01 received vide Chancellor’s order No. E 2632/G.S., dated 09.05.2008, applications for the following posts of Lecturers in below-mentioned subjects are again invited:
Name of the Post: Lecturers
No. of Vacancy: 25 posts Economics (ST-1); Economics (S-1, Physically Handicapped); Arab Culture (S-1); Chinese (O-1); German (O-1); Law (O-1, U-1, S-1); Chemistry (O-1); Russian (U-1); Zoology (S-1); Hindi (U-1); Sanskrit (O-1); Commerce (U-1, O-1); Applied Economics (U-1); Sociology (S-1, U-1); Philosophy (U-1); Western History (O-1); Public Administration (U-1); Persian (S-1); Commercial Arts (O-1); Commercial Arts (U-1)*
Scale of Pay: Rs.8000-13500
Qualification: Good academic record with 55% marks in relevant subject at Post-Graduate level or ‘B’ grade in seven point scale. Besides, he should have cleared National Eligibility Test or State Eligibility Test.
How to apply for above post:
Application forms may be obtained in person on payment of Rs.100/- in cash from the Cashier’s Office or by sending a Bank-draft worth Rs.150/- drawn in favour of Finance Officer, University of Lucknow, Lucknow. Forms may also be down-loaded from the University website.
Application-forms completed in all respects alongwith a Bank-draft worth Rs.500/- should reach the Registrar, University of Lucknow, Lucknow-226007 latest by July 05, 2008. Applications of candidates not fulfilling the requisite qualification and incomplete applications shall not be entertained.
Fees: Rs.500/-
Last Date of Application Submission:
July 05, 2008
Application Form /Advertisement Source Credits:
Application Download :
Keywords: Jobs in Lucknow, Lucknow Sarkari Naukri, Lucknow Sarkari Jobs, Lucknow Government jobs, University of Lucknow, Lecturers