Sarkari Result Bharti 2024

Mechanical/Automobile Engineers, Geologists and Medical professionals needed in VIZAG Visakhapatnam Steel Plant

Visakhapatnam Steel Plant, Visakhapatnam -530 031
Rectt.Advt.No. 6/2008

Sarkari Jobs in this post: Mechanical/Automobile Engineers, Geologists and Medical professionals

Visakhapatnam Steel Plant, India’s first shore-based integrated Steel Plant, invites applications from qualified and competent Mechanical/Automobile Engineers, Geologists and Medical professionals for the following posts at its captive Mines in Jaggayyapeta and Madharam in Andhra Pradesh.

Name of the Post: Manager (Mechanical)
No. of Vacancy: 02 posts , UR-1, OBC-1
Scale of Pay: Rs.17500- 4%-22300
Qualification: Bachelor’s degree or equivalent in Mechanical/ Automobile Engineering from a recognized University/ Institute with minimum 60% marks in aggregate (50% for Scheduled Tribe candidates for Deputy Manager post).

Name of the Post: Dy. Manager (Mechanical)
No. of Vacancy: 03 posts , UR-2, OBC-1
Scale of Pay:Rs.16000- 4%-20800
Qualification: Bachelor’s degree or equivalent in Mechanical/ Automobile Engineering from a recognized University/ Institute with minimum 60% marks in aggregate (50% for Scheduled Tribe candidates for Deputy Manager post).

Name of the Post: Assistant Manager/ Junior Manager (Geology)
No. of Vacancy: 02 posts , UR-2
Scale of Pay:Rs.13700- 4%-18250 / Rs.10750- 4%-16750
Qualification: PG Degree in Geology/Applied Geology from a recognized University/Institute with minimum 60% of marks in aggregate.

Name of the Post: Junior Medical Officer (Male-1, Female-1)
No. of Vacancy: 02 posts , UR-2
Scale of Pay: Rs.10750-4%-16750
Qualification: MBBS Degree from a University/Institute recognized by Medical Council of India. Candidates with Post-Graduate qualification in any discipline of Medical Science / Industrial Health will be preferred.

How to apply for above post:
Interested eligible candidates should apply giving full particulars as indicated in the prescribed format only that is available on the website:–– Recruitment.
Application filled-up in BLOCK CAPITAL LETTERS in ENGLISH and duly signed and accompanied by two recent passport size photographs and self-attested copies of certificates/testimonials relating to age, category, educational qualifications, experience, Form-16 (for candidates from Private Sector), State Medical Council registration etc. should be sent to “AGM (Personnel)-Recruitment, Room No.232, Main Administration Building, Visakhapatnam Steel Plant, Visakhapatnam-530 031” so as to reach latest by 20th August,2008.

In case of any doubt, candidates may contact on Telephone no.0891-2740405 or email:

A/c payee Demand Draft for Rs.300/- drawn on a scheduled bank in favour of “Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited, Visakhapatnam Steel Plant” payable at Visakhapatnam. Candidate’s name, address and post applied for, must be written on the reverse of the Demand Draft. ST candidates for Dy. Manager (Mechanical) post are exempted from this payment.

Last Date of Application Submission:
20th August,2008

Application Form /Advertisement Source Credits:

Keywords: Sarkari Naukri india, Sarkari jobs india, Government naukri india, Jobs in Visakhapatnam , Visakhapatnam Sarkari Naukri, Visakhapatnam Sarkari Jobs, Visakhapatnam Government jobs, Visakhapatnam Steel Plant jobs india, VIZAG jobs india , Mechanical jobs india, Automobile Engineers jobs india, Geologists jobs india and Medical professionals jobs india

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