Sri Venkateswara Veterinary University (SVVU)
Admn. Office, Regnl Library Building, Tirupati-2 (AP)
Advt. No. 2/RC/07
University Officers Recruitment
Applications are invited for the following posts :
1. Dean of Veterinary Science
2. Dean of Fishery Sceince
3. Director of Extension
4. Controller of Examinations
5. Dean of Dairy Science
6. Director of Research
7. Dean of Student Affairs
Pay Scale : Rs.16400-22400/-
Prescribed application forms together with full details of qualifications for the posts can be had from the University on payment of Rs.750/- for others and Rs.375/- for SC/ST in person or through a crossed DD in favour of “Controller, Sri Venkateswara Veterinary University, Tirupati”. For obtaining it by post, a self addressed and stamped envelop of Rs.20/- of the size 35×15 cm should be enclosed to the requisition letter. The envelope containing the requisition for application form should be superscribed “Requisition for Application” and sent to “The Registrar, Sri Venkateswara Veterinary University, Admn. Office, Tirupati-2, AP.
The last date for sale of applications by post is 12/01/2008 and filled in application should reach the Registrar on or before 18/01/2008.
1 Comment
any jobs for msc computers pls send me mail
thanking u sir,