Sarkari Jobs in this post: Professionals, Sr. Manager, Sr. Officer,
Bhamaputra Cracker and Polymer Ltd, BCPL, Hotel Brahmaputra Ashok, M.G. road, Opp. High Court, Guwahati, Assam – 781001.
Bhamaputra Cracker and Polymer Ltd, BCPL, A joint venture of GAIL India Ltd OIL NRL & Govt. of Assam, Brahmaputra Cracker and Polymer Limited is looking for experienced professionals for the following posts:
I. Sr. Manager (Electrical/ Chemical/ Mechanical) Grade of BCPL E-5: Pay Scale : Rs. 32900-58000/-
II. Sr. Manager (Human Resource) Grade of BCPL E-5: Pay Scale : Rs. 32900-58000/-
III. Sr. Manager (Finance) Grade of BCPL E-5: Pay Scale : Rs. 32900-58000/-
IV. Sr. Manager (Contract & Procurement) Grade of BCPL E-5: Pay Scale : Rs. 32900-58000/-
V. Sr. Manager (Company Secretariat) Grade of BCPL E-5: Pay Scale : Rs. 32900-58000/–
VI. Sr. Engineer (Civil/ Electrical/ Chemical/ Instrumentation/ Mechanical) Grade of BCPL E-2: Pay Scale : Rs.20600-46500/-
VII. Sr. Officer (Official Language) Grade of BCPL E-2: Pay Scale : Rs.20600-46500/-
VIII. Sr. Officer (Finance) Grade of BCPL E-2: Pay Scale : Rs.20600-46500/-
IX. Sr. Officer (Contract & Procurement) Grade of BCPL E-2: Pay Scale : Rs.20600-46500/-
X. Sr. Officer (Public Relation & Corporate Communication) Grade of BCPL E-2: Pay Scale : Rs.20600-46500/-
XI. Sr. Officer (Fire & Safety) Grade of BCPL E-2: Pay Scale : Rs.20600-46500/-
XII. Sr. Officer (Security) Grade of BCPL E-2: Pay Scale : Rs.20600-46500/-
Scale of Pay: Pay scale of are indicative only & are suject to approval by the Govt. of India.
How to apply for above post:
Application duly completein prescribed format in all respects in a cover super scribed “Application for the post of__________ to : should be sent by ordinary post to the Sr. Manager (HR), Brahmaputra Cracker and Polymer Limited (BCPL), Pushkara House, Natun GaOn, PO Mohanaghat, Dibrugarh, Assam-786008. on or before 30.09.2009.
Fees: Demand Draft of Rs.200/- drawn in favour of “Brahmaputra Cracker and Polymer Limited” payable at “Dibrugarh” , Assam for General and OBC candidates only.
Last Date of Application Submission: 30.09.2009.
Application Form /Advertisement Source Credits:
Keywords: Sarkari Naukri india, Sarkari jobs india, Government naukri india, Jobs in Guwahati, Guwahati Sarkari Naukri, Guwahati Sarkari Jobs, Guwahati Government jobs in India, Bhamaputra Cracker and Polymer Ltd Jobs in Guwahati, BCPL Jobs in Guwahati, Professionals Jobs in Guwahati, Sr. Manager Jobs in Guwahati, Sr. Officer Jobs in Guwahati, Bhamaputra Cracker and Polymer Ltd jobs in India, BCPL jobs in India, Professionals jobs in India, Sr. Manager jobs in India, Sr. Officer jobs in India
I need the prescribed format to apply
jaswant singh
please forward the prescribed format for Sr Manager(HR) BCPL published in employment news on sept5-11,sept2009 and its last date is 30-9-2009.