Name and Address of Company:
BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM LIMITED, (A Govt. of India Enterprise ), O/o the CGM , Orissa Telecom Circle, Bhubaneswar – 751001.
Sarkari Jobs in this post: Telecom Technical Assistants (TTA) – 2008
Applications are invited from the bonafide Indian citizens for the post of Telecom Technical Assistant for Orissa Telecom Circle.
Name of the Post: Telecom Technical Assistants (TTA) – 2008
No. of Vacancy: 83 posts
Scale of Pay: Rs 7100 / – 200 – 10,100 /- with usual allowances as admissible.
Qualification: The applicant must possess , as on the last date of receiving applications , the educational qualifications in any of the following disciplines from a recognised Institute / University.
a) Three years Engineering Diploma in
i. Telecommunications Engineering
ii. Electronics Engineering
iii. Electrical Engineering
iv. Radio Engineering
v. Computer Engineering
vi. Instruments Technology
vii. Information Technology
b) M.Sc(Electronics) from a recogniseed institution / University
How to apply for above post:
The specimen of the application form is included in this advertisement . Neatly typed (only on one side of paper) copy in A4 size (30cm x 20cm) may be used for making application. The completed application form should be sent by Registered post to the Dy .General Manager (Admn), BSNL, O/o the CGMT, Orissa Circle,Bhubaneswar-1.The envelop containing the application form should be marked with “ APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF TELECOM TECHNICAL ASSISTANT EXAMINATION – 2008 in …………………………. SSA ” in bold letters on the top of the envelop. Application can also be delivered in person by dropping the same in the box placed in the Room No-113 (1st Floor) of Dy General Manager (Admn) , O/o the CGMT ,BSNL ,Orissa Circle,Bhubaneswar-1
An examination fee of Rs.500/- is payable in the form of Indian Postal Order/Bank Draft along with the application drawn in favour of the Sr Accounts Officer (A & P), BSNL ,O/o the CGMT , Orissa , Bhubaneswar-1 payable at Bhubaneswar .
Last Date of Application Submission:
Application Form /Advertisement Source Credits:
Keywords: Sarkari Naukri india, Sarkari jobs india, Government naukri india, Jobs in Bhubaneswar , Bhubaneswar Sarkari Naukri, Bhubaneswar Sarkari Jobs, Bhubaneswar Government jobs, Telecom Technical Assistants jobs india, TTA jobs india, BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM LIMITED jobs india, BSNL jobs india