Sarkari Result Bharti 2024

Recruitmnt of Professor in various departments at ISMU

Sarkari Jobs in this post: Professor of Chemistry, Professor of Geophysics, Professor of Physics, Professor of Computer Science, Professor of Engineering

Indian School of Mines University, ISMU, Deputy Registrar (Estt), ISM University, Dhanbad– 826004.

Indian School of Mines University, ISMU, Established in 1926, which offers B.Tech in Computer Science & Engg, Electrical, Electronics, Environmental Science & Engg., Mechanical, Mineral, Mining, Mining Machinery and Petroleum Engineering, and M.Tech, MSc, MSc Tech, MPhil, MBA and Ph.D programs in the areas of Engineering, Deputy Registrar (Estt), ISM University, Dhanbad- 826004. ( Declared as Deemed-to-be-University U/S 3 of UGC Act 1956 An Autonomous Institution of GOI funded by MHRD), Invites applications from Indian nationals for the posts of Professor in various departments of study.

Specialisation required in various departments for the post of  Professor:
(i) Department of  Applied Chemistry
Specialisation in Organic Chemistry preferably with some of Biochemistry background, Inorganic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry & any other related areas of Applied Chemistry
(ii) Department  of Applied Geophysics:                                   
Specialisation in Seismic, Gravity & Magnetic Methods of Geophysical  Exploration, Remote Sensing Technique, Magneto Telluric  Technique, Seismology, Well Logging  & any other related areas of Applied Geophysics.
(iii) Department of Applied Physics:                                         
Specialisation in Solid State Physics, Atomic, Molecular and Laser Physics, Thin Film Technology, Mineral Physics, Biomedical Physics, Nano Science, Fiber Optics, Energy Physics, Non-Linear Optics, Theoretical Physics & any other related areas of Applied Physics.                                     
 (iv) Department of Computer Science & Engineering:        
Specialisation in : Computer Networks, Wireless communications, Neural Networks, Theory of  Computations,  Natural  Language Processing, Computer Graphics, Computer  Design, Image Processing, Pattern Recognition & Machine  Intelligence, Computer Vision, Software Engineering, Internet Technology, Artificial Intelligence, Computational Biology, Bio- informatics, & any other related areas of Computer Science & Engg.,
Professor  Pay Scale : Rs.18400-500-22400,
Qualification : Ph.D with first class or equivalent at the preceding degree in the appropriate branch with a very good academic record throughout and a minimum 10 years experience of which at least 5 years should be at the level of Assistant Professor/Associate Professor/ Principal Scientific Officer/ Chief Design Engineer/ Principal Research Scientist.

How to apply for above post:
Application form may be send or downloaded from the institute’s website and submitted with necessary fees to the Deputy Registrar(Estt), ISM University, Dhanbad-826004 on or before 01.06.2009.

Fees: Demand draft of Rs.100/- drawn in favour of Registrar, ISMU,  along with a self addressed stamped (Rs.50/-) envelope of 30cmx12cm size. SC/ST candidates are exempted from paying any application fee and provision of reservation to SC/ST/OBC/PH will be applicable as per Government of India Rules.

Last Date of Application Submission: 01.06.2009.

Application Form /Advertisement Source Credits:

Keywords: Sarkari Naukri india, Sarkari jobs india, Government naukri india, Jobs in Dhanbad, Dhanbad Sarkari Naukri, Dhanbad Sarkari Jobs, Dhanbad Government jobs, Indian School of Mines University Jobs in Dhanbad, Indian School of Mines University jobs in India, ISMU Jobs in Dhanbad, ISMU jobs in India, Professor of Chemistry jobs in India, Professor of Geophysics jobs in India, Professor of Physics jobs in India, Professor of Computer Science jobs in India, Professor of Engineering jobs in India

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