Sarkari Jobs in this post : Research Proposals
Ministry of new and renewable energy, Block 14, CGO Complex Lodi Road, New Delhi 110003.
Ministry of new and renewwable energy, Innovative Project Division Call for Proposals for Powering Telecom Towers from Renewable Energy preferably other than Solar and Wind Energy. Canidates required for air-conditioning application of the passive component of the towers. About 2 billion litres of diesel is consumed by these towers each year. To reduce this huge diesel consumption, Ministry of New and Renewable Energy is exploring possibility of powering these towers by various renewable energy technology options. For this, Ministry invites proposals from technology providers and energy service companies to establish renewable energy projects based on technologies preferably other than solar and wind on built-own-operate (BOO) basis to provide reliable power supply to the telecom towers in different parts of the country.
The proposal should contain:
1. The region where the proposer wants to establish the project.
2. Details of the technology to be used in such projects.
3. Detail of the business model clearly defining the supply chain mechanism of fuel to ensure continuous fuel supply, operation and maintenance mechanism, revenue model as well as back-up plan.
4. The project may also look for providing power to nearby village or villages in addition to providing uninterrupted power supply to telecom towers to replace existing diesel generators completely or partially.
5. Technical manpower to handle such operations as well as previous experience either in installation and commissioning or running such projects may be clearly elaborated in the proposal.
Based on the proposals, Ministry of New and Renewable Energy and Universal Service Obligation Fund (USOF) may consider evolving a suitable subsidy/viability gap funding support mechanism. MNRE intends to initially support.
How to apply for above post :
The Proposer may like to refer to the DoT Website for a list of these sites at Such proposals may be submitted to the ministry 20 hard copies and one electronic copy in CD/DCD/pen drive on or before 26th March, 2010 to The Dr. P. C. Pant, Director, Ministry of New and Renewable Energy Block 14, CGO Complex Lodi Road, New Delhi 110003.
Last Date of Application Submission : 26th March, 2010.
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Keywords : Sarkari Naukri india, Sarkari jobs india, Government naukri india, Jobs in New Delhi, New Delhi Sarkari Naukri, New Delhi Sarkari Jobs, New Delhi Government jobs in India, Research Jobs in New Delhi, Energy Jobs in New Delhi, Proposal Jobs in New Delhi, support Jobs in New Delhi, power Jobs in New Delhi, project Jobs in New Delhi, Research jobs in India, Energy jobs in India, Proposal jobs in India, support jobs in India, power jobs in India, project jobs in India