Sarkari Result Bharti 2024

Resident jobs in various MCD Hospital at Delhi

Sarkari Jobs in this post : Senior Residents/Junior Residents

Municipal Corporation of Delhi Office of the superintendent, Kasturba Hospital, Darya Ganj, New Delhi – 110002.

Municipal Corporation of Delhi Office of the superintendent, Applications are invited in the prescribed format for the vacant and likely to become vacant posts of Senior Residents/Junior Residents in the following MCD Hospitals :
A) SENIOR RESIDENTS (SRs) : No of Post : 48 posts
I. Medicine
(UR-2, OBC-2, SC-1, ST-1)
II. Cardio (UR-1, OBC-1, SC-1)
III. Surgery (UR-1, OBC-1, SC-1)
IV. Paediatrics (UR-3, OBC-2, SC-1, ST-1)
V. Orthopedics for UR-1
VI. Anesthesia (UR-3, OBC-2, SC-2, ST-1)
VII. Gynecology (UR-2, OBC-1, SC-1, ST-1)
VIII. Radiology (UR-1, OBC-1, SC-1)
IX. Pathology (UR-1, OBC-1)
X. E N T (UR-1, OBC-1)
XI. Dental (UR-1, OBC-1)
XII. F Medicine for UR-1
XIII. Skin (UR-1, OBC-1)
XIV. Urology for UR-1
XV. eurology (UR-1, OBC-1)
XVI. Microbiology for UR-1

RBIPMT : No of Post : 8 posts
1. Chest & TB
(UR-1, OBC-2, SC-1)
2. Anesthesia for UR-1
3. Surgery for UR-1
4. Microbiology for UR-1
5. Radiology for UR-1

GLM HOSPITAL (GLMH) : No of Post : 04 posts
1. Anesthesia
for UR-2
2. Paediatrics for OBC-1
3. Obs. & Gyne. for OBC-1

MVID HOSPITAL (MVIDH) : No of Post : 02 posts
1. Anesthesia
for UR-1
2. E N T for OBC-1

KASTURBA HOSPITAL (KH) : No of Post : 34 posts
1. Anesthesia
(UR-9, OBC-3, SC-1)
2. Medicine (UR-1, OBC-1)
3. Obs. & Gynae. (UR-5, OBC-3, SC-1)
4. Paediatrics (UR-4, OBC-2, SC-1)
5. Radiography (UR-2, OBC-1)

SWAMI DAYANAND HOSPITAL (SDNH) : No of Post : 13 posts
1. Medicine
for SC-1
2. Paediatrics for UR-1
3. Obs & Gynae. for ST-1
4. Anaesthesia (UR-2, OBC-1, SC-1, ST-1)
5. Radiology (UR-1, OBC-1)
6. Orthopaedics (UR-1, OBC-1)
7. Dermatology for UR-1

B) JUNIOR RESIDENTS (JRs) : No of Post : 199 posts
1. Kasturba Hospital 21
posts (UR-9, OBC-7, SC-3, ST-1)
2. SDN Hospital 14 posts (UR-3, OBC-4, SC-2, ST-5)
3. MVID Hospital 04 posts (UR-1, OBC-1, SC-1, ST-1)
4. RBIPMT 30 posts (UR-16, OBC-8, SC-4, ST-2)
5. Hindu Rao Hospital 126 posts (UR-66, OBC-34, SC-18, ST-8)
6. Hindu Rao Hosp. (Dental) 04 post (UR-3, OBC-1)

Senior Residents Scale of Pay : RS. 18,750 + Grade Pay RS. 6600 + Other Allowances as Admissible for PG Degree holders.

Junior Residents Scale of Pay : RS. 15,600 + Grade Pay RS. 5400 + Other Allowances as Admissible.

Details of the vacancies Qualification, condition for Recruitment and mathod of selection are available on MCD website 

How to apply for above post :
For each hospital a sperate typed application on A4 size paper with attested copies of documents are required to be send to the Superintendent, Kasturba Hospital, Darya Ganj, New Delhi – 110002, on or before 28.02.2010.

Last Date of Application Submission : 28.02.2010.

Application Form /Advertisement Source Credits : OR

Keywords : Sarkari Naukri india, Sarkari jobs india, Government naukri india, Jobs in New Delhi, New Delhi Sarkari Naukri, New Delhi Sarkari Jobs, New Delhi Government jobs in India, Senior Residents Jobs in New Delhi, Junior Residents Jobs in New Delhi, Hospital Jobs in New Delhi, Medical Jobs in New Delhi, Municipal Corporation Jobs in New Delhi, Senior Residents jobs in India, Junior Residents jobs in India, Hospital jobs in India, Medical jobs in India, Municipal Corporation jobs in India

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