Name and Address of Company:
Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research,
Department of Atomic Energy, Kalpakkam – 603 102.
About Company:
Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR) set up in 1971 at Kalpakkam, is a premiere R&D establishment of the Department of Atomic Energy. The primary mission of the Centre is to conduct a broad based multidisciplinary programme of robust Scientific Research and Advanced Engineering, directed towards the development of technology of sodium cooled Fast Breeder Reactors (FBR) and associated closed fuel cycle technologies.
We are looking for young Graduates / Diploma holders / SSC / HSC/ ITI qualified in various science/ engineering disciplines to join our teams to take up R&D programmes related to FBR and fuel cycle development including construction of process plants and facilities on an industrial scale.
Name of the Post: Scientific Officer/Engineer Grade ‘D’
No. of Vacancy: 04 posts (UR)
Scale of Pay: Rs.10000-15200/-
Name of the Post: Scientific Officer/Engineer Grade ‘C’
No. of Vacancy: 24 posts (SC-02,ST-08,OBC-11,UR-03)
Scale of Pay: Rs.8000-13500/-
Name of the Post: Scientific Assistant ‘B’
No. of Vacancy: 33 posts (SC-02, ST-08,, OBC-09, UR-14)
Scale of Pay: Rs.5500-9000/-
Name of the Post: Tradesman ‘B’
No. of Vacancy: 34 posts (SC-6, OBC-8,UR-20)
Scale of Pay: Rs.3200-4590/-
Name of the Post: Draughtsman ‘A’
No. of Vacancy: 03 posts (UR)
Scale of Pay: Rs.3200-4590/-
Qualification: Read here:
How to apply for above post:
1. The application should be submitted in the proforma given in the Advertisement, preferably typewritten on thick A4 Paper only [size 34CMs x 22CMs].
2. The application and the outer cover should be superscribed as APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF ___________________________ CATEGORY No.: ______ IN IGCAR, AGAINST THE ADVERTISEMENT No. 3/2008.
3.The application for the posts Scientific Officer / Engineers Grade “D” & “C” should be accompanied by a Non refundable crossed Indian Postal Order or Demand Draft drawn in favour of The Pay & Accounts Officer, IGCAR, Kalpakkam for a sum of Rs.50/- payable in SBI Bank/Canara Bank, Kalpakkam.
4.Completed application should be sent to:
The Administrative Officer –II [R]
Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research
Kalpakkam – 603 102
Kancheepuram District, Tamil Nadu
So as to reach him on or before 18.07.2008. Applications received beyond this date will be rejected. Application forms can be downloaded from our website at:
Last Date of Application Submission:
Application Form /Advertisement Source Credits:
Keywords: Jobs in Kalpakkam , Kalpakkam Sarkari Naukri, Kalpakkam Sarkari Jobs, Kalpakkam Government jobs, Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research jobs, Scientific Officer jobs, Engineer jobs, Scientific Assistant jobs, Tradesman jobs, Draughtsman jobs