Name and Address of Company:
BHARATIYA NABHIKIYA VIDYUT NIGAM LIMITED, (A Government of India Enterprise), Kalpakkam – 603 102, Kancheepuram District (TN)
Sarkari Jobs in this post: Scientific Officers
About Company:
BHAVINI, is a high profile Public Sector in limelight in view of the fact that success of Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor, under construction presently will bring energy security for India in future. BHAVINI, invites applications from the qualified candidates for the following posts:
Name of the Post: Scientific Officer/C
No. of Vacancy: 60 posts UR-30 SC-10 ST-4 OBC-16 [PH-2 ]
Scale of Pay: Rs.8000-275-13500
Qualification: Read here:
How to apply for above post:
1. The application should be submitted in the proforma given in the advertisement, preferably type written.
2. The outer cover should be superscribed “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF _________________________”
3. Completed applications should be sent to Deputy Manager (HR) – Rectt, Bharatiya Nabhikiya Vidyut Nigam Limited (BHAVINI), Kalpakkam, Kancheepuram Dist.- 603 102 so as to reach us on or before 6.9.2008.
Last Date of Application Submission:
Application Form /Advertisement Source Credits:
Keywords: Sarkari Naukri india, Sarkari jobs india, Government naukri india, Jobs in Kancheepuram , Kancheepuram Sarkari Naukri, Kancheepuram Sarkari Jobs, Kancheepuram Government jobs, BHARATIYA NABHIKIYA VIDYUT NIGAM LIMITED jobs india, BHAVINI jobs india, Scientific Officer jobs india