Sarkari Jobs in this post : Control Systems/ Control Dynamics, Structural Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Industrail Safety, Micro Electronics/ MEMS, Digital Electronics/ Avionics, RF, Microwave and Antenna, Material Science, Optics/ Applied Optics, Mechanical/ Machine Design, Physics/ Applied Physics, Mathematics/ Applied Mathematics
Indian Space Research Organisation, ISRO. Government of India, Department of Space, Recruitment of Scientists/Engineers ‘SC’ with Post Gradaute degree in Engibneering/Science. Candidates may visit ISRO website at, to register their applications online. Applications will be received on-line only.
Indian Space Research Organisation, ISRO. Government of India, Department of Space, Recruitment of Scientists/Engineers ‘SC’ with Post Gradaute degree in Engibneering/Science.
1. Control Systems/ Control Dynamics
2. Structural Engineering
3. Industrial Engineering
4. Industrail Safety
5. Micro Electronics/ MEMS
6. Digital Electronics/ Avionics
7. RF, Microwave and Antenna
8. Material Science
9. Optics/ Applied Optics
10. Mechanical/ Machine Design
11. Physics/ Applied Physics
12. Mathematics/ Applied Mathematics
Essential Qualification & Experience : Candidates Must be holding Degree in ME/M.Tech in First Class or equivalent with an aggregate minimum of 60% or CGPA/ CPI grading of 6.5 on 10 scale or equivalent. OR M.Sc. degree should be in First Class with an aggregate of 65% (Average of all semesters) or CGPA/ CPI grading of 6.5 on a 10 scale or equivalent and pre-eligibility qualification of BE/ B.Tech./ B.Sc. (Engg.) or equivalent should also be in First Class with an aggregate of 65% (average of all semester) or CGPA/ CPI grading of 6.5 on a 10 scale.
How to apply for above post :
Candidates may visit ISRO website at, to register their applications online. Applications will be received on-line only between 13.07.2010 and 06.08.2010.
Fees : Rs. 100/- for each application in the form of any of the Nationalized Bank in favour of the Sr. Accounts Officer, ISRO HQ, Bangalore, payable at Bangalore.
Last Date of Application Submission : on-line only between 13.07.2010 and 06.08.2010.
Application Form /Advertisement Source Credits :
Keywords : Sarkari Naukri india, Sarkari jobs india, Government naukri india, jobs in Bangalore, Bangalore Sarkari Naukri, Bangalore Sarkari Jobs, Bangalore Government jobs in India, Control Systems jobs in Bangalore, Engineering jobs in Bangalore, Safety jobs in Bangalore, Electronics jobs in Bangalore, Avionics jobs in Bangalore, Microwave-Antenna jobs in Bangalore, Material Science jobs in Bangalore, Optics jobs in Bangalore, Mechanical jobs in Bangalore, Physics jobs in Bangalore, Mathematics jobs in Bangalore, Control Systems jobs in India, Engineering jobs in India, Safety jobs in India, Electronics jobs in India, Avionics jobs in India,Microwave-Antenna jobs in India, Material Science jobs in India, Optics jobs in India, Mechanical jobs in India, Physics jobs in India, Mathematics jobs in India