Name and Address of Company:
Structural Engineering Research Centre (SERC)
(Council of Scientific and Industrial Research)
CSIR Campus, TTTI Taramani P.O., Chennai 600 113
About Company :
Structural Engineering Research Centre, Chennai, is a premier National Laboratory under the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research. The major areas of R & D thrust of the Centre include structural dynamics and earthquake engineering, experimental mechanics, fatigue and fracture, wind engineering, construction engineering, concrete composites, computational mechanics, computer aided design and software development.
The Centre invites applications from highly qualified and motivated candidates for taking up R&D activities and also for providing engineering services to solve the problems of the industry and the society besides participating in the development of laboratory facilities.
Name of the Post: Scientist Gr IV (1)
No. of Vacancy: 14 posts (SC-1, OBC-4, UR-8, PH-SC-1)
Salary: Rs. 8000-13500/
Qualification: First class B.E./ Civil Engineering or recognized equivalent qualification OR M.Tech./M.E. in Structural Engineering or recognized equivalent qualification. OR Ph.D in Structural Engineering
Name of the Post: Laboratory Supervisor
No. of Vacancy: 01posts
Salary: Rs.4500-7000/
Qualification: First class three years Diploma in Civil Engineering or its equivalent.
Name of the Post: Technical Assistant Gr.III (Library Science)
No. of Vacancy: 01posts
Salary: Rs.4500-7000/
Qualification: First class Bachelors Degree in Science or Science Communication of three years full time duration or its equivalent and First Class Bachelor Degree in Library and Information Science
Name of the Post: Technical Assistant Gr.III (Mechanical Engineering)
No. of Vacancy: 01posts
Salary: Rs.4500-7000/
Qualification: First class Diploma in Mechanical Engineering of three years full time duration or its equivalent
How to apply for above post:
Application forms can be downloaded from SERC website (click on HRD-Recruitment from the Home Page) or can be obtained (free of cost) from the CONTROLLER OF ADMINISTRATION, STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH CENTRE, CSIR CAMPUS, POST BAG NO.8287, TTTI TARAMANI P.O., CHENNAI 600 113, upto 30th April 2008. Advertisement Number, Name of the Post applied for and full address in Block Letters must be indicated at the top of the request which should be sent together with self-addressed and duly stamped envelope [Rs.10.00] of size 22cm X 10cm. The last date for receipt of completed applications is 15th May 2008
Crossed Demand Draft for Rs.100/- drawn in favour of I.R.F, SERC payable at Chennai towards application fee. No fee for SC/ST candidates.
Last Date of Application Submission:
15th May 2008
Application Form /Advertisement Source Credits:
Keyword: Jobs in Chennai , Jobs in Structural Engineering Research Centre india, SERC jobs india, Scientist jobs india, Laboratory Supervisor jobs india, Techincal Assistant Jobs india, Chennai Sarkari Naukri, Chennai Sarkari Jobs, Chennai Government jobs