Sarkari Jobs in this post : Junior Research Fellows (JRF), Research Associates
Company Name & Address : Space Applications Centre, SAC, To The Administrative officer (Recruitment & Recruitment Section (P & GA) Building No. 30-D, Space Applications Centre (ISRO), Ambawadi Vistar P.O., Ambawadi Vistar P.O.,Ahmadabad-380015, Gujarat.
Space Applications Centre, SAC, Space activities in the country started during early 1960s with the scientific investigation of upper atmosphere and ionosphere over the magnetic equator that passes over Thumba near Thiruvananthapuram using small sounding rockets Realising the immense potential of space technology for national development, Dr. Vikram Sarabhai, the visionary leader envisioned that this powerful technology could play a meaningful role in national development and solving the problems of common man. post : Junior Research Fellows (JRF), Research Associates
1. Junior Research Fellows (JRF) :
Subject Specialization : Agriculture (Agro meteorology/ Agronomy/ Soil Science / Crop Physiology), Geoinformatics/ Geometrics, Botany, Geology, Geophysics, Environmental Science, Mathematics, Marine Biology, Physics, Physical Oceanography, Electronics / Instrumentation Technology, Physics/ Applied Physics/ Electronics/ Optics/ Applied Optics.
Essential Qualification & Experience : M.Sc / M.Tech. (in the relevant subject) FIRST CLASS with 65% marks or above (Aggregate of all Semesters / Years) or CGPA / CPI grading of 6.5 on a 10 scale or equivalent from recognized University Institution.
2. Research Associates (RA) :
Subject Specialization : Agriculture (Agro meteorology/ Agronomy/ Soil Science/ Crop Physiology), Geoinfomatics, Environmental Science/ Natural Science, Physics, Geology, Geophysics, Marine Biology/ Botany.
Essential Qualification & Experience : Fresh Ph.D Or M.Sc/M.Tech (in the relevant subject) FIRST CLASS with 65% marks or above (Aggregate of all Semesters/Years) or CGPA/CPI grading of 6.5 on a 10 Scale or equivalent from recognized University/ Institution with minimum 4 years relevant research experience. The relevant experience for different posts is mentioned in detailed advertisement.
How to apply for above post :
Interested candidates may apply online application format and Documents. To The Administrative officer (Recruitment & Recruitment Section (P & GA) Building No. 30-D, Space Applications Centre (ISRO), Ambawadi Vistar P.O., Ambawadi Vistar, P.O., Ahmadabad-380015, Gujarat. submit online applications from 05.08.2013 to 23.08.2013.
Last Date of Application Submission : Apply online from 05.08.2013 to 23.08.2013.
Application Form /Advertisement Source Credits :
Keywords : Government jobs in India, Sarkari Naukri india, Sarkari jobs india, Government naukri india, jobs in Ahmadabad, Ahmadabad Sarkari Naukri, Ahmadabad Sarkari Jobs, Ahmadabad Government jobs in India, Junior Research Fellows jobs Ahmadabad, Junior Research Fellows jobs in India, Research Associates jobs Ahmadabad, Research Associates jobs in India