Bangalore-560012, India
Special Drive for Recruitment of candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes (2 posts) and Scheduled Tribes (5 posts) for the following positions.
- Lecturers : Pay Scale : Rs. 10000-325-15200/-, Qualification : Ph.D in Science/ Engineering in areas of relevance to the Institute, Experience in teaching /research in the relevant field , Age: Preferably below 35 years
- SCIENTIFIC OFFICERS Gr.II , Pay Scale : Rs.8000-275-13500/-, Qualification : Ph.D in Science with experience in Scientific Instrumentation OR M.E/ M.Tech or equivalent in any branch of engineering with experience in Scientific instrumentation, Age: Preferably below 35 years.
How to Apply : Candidates are requested to forward their curriculum vitae (along with copies of certificates) duly indicating the post to which they are applying, on or before 15th December 2007 to Registrar, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore – 560012
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