Sarkari Result Bharti 2024

Teaching and Non Teaching Jobs at BBAU Lucknow

Name and Address of Company:
Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University (BBAU),
(A Central University)
Vidya Vihar, Rae-Bareli Road, Lucknow-226025
Web site:
Advt. No. 01/Faculty/Non-Faculty/2008

Applications on prescribed form are invited from exceptionally qualified candidates for teaching and non teaching positions in the following School/Departments of the University. :

1. Economics : Reader-(1) UR / Lecturer-(2) OBC-2
2. History : Professor-(1) UR / Lecturer-(1) OBC- Rs.
3. Political Science : Professor-(1) SC / Reader-(2) SC-1, UR-1 / Lecturer-(3) OBC-1, UR-2
4. Sociology : Professor-(1) UR / Reader-(2) UR / Lecturer-(3) OBC-1, UR-2
5. Environmental Science : Lecturer-(1) UR
6. Library & Information Science : Professor-(1) UR
7. Computer Science : Professor-(1) UR / Lecturer-(2) UR-1 OBC-1
8. Information Technology : Professor-(1) UR / Reader-(1) UR / Lecturer-(3) UR-2, OBC-1
9. Mass Communication & Journalism : Professor-(1) ST / Reader-(2) UR-2 / Lecturer-(3)UR-1, OBC-1, SC-1
10. Law : Professor-(1) UR / Reader-(1) SC / Lecturer-(3) ST-1,OBC-2
11. Human Rights : Lecturer-(1) UR
12. Applied Animal Science : Professor-(1)SC
13. Applied Plant Science : Reader-(1) UR
14. Biotechnology : Lecturer-(1) OBC
15. Human Resource & Family Welfare : Professor-(1) UR / Reader-(2) ST-1, SC-1 / Lecturer-(3) UR-2, OBC-1

Non Teaching Posts:
1. Controller of Examination -1 (UR) Rs. 16400-22400 (Tenure post for a period of five years)
2. Deputy Registrar-1(SC) Rs.12000-18300 (Anticipated Vacancy)
3. Assistant Registrar– 1(UR) Rs. 8000-13500
4. Assistant Librarian– 1 (OBC) Rs. 8000-13500
5. Junior Engineer -1(UR) Rs.5000-8000
6. Senior Assistant-1 (UR) Rs. 5000-8000
7. Laboratory Assistant-1(OBC) Rs. 3200-4900.
8. Library Assistant-1 (UR) Rs. 3200-4900
9. Assistant (LDC)-4 Rs. 3050-4590 OBC-1, ST-1, SC-1 & UR-1
10. Library Attendant– (1) (PH) Rs. 2650-4000 (Reserved for person with disability for hearing impaired)

Minimum qualification, experience and pay scales as per UGC norms. Higher pay may be considered for the deserving/meritorious candidates.

How to apply for above post:
Detailed format of application, instructions regarding Qualifications, Specialization and experience etc. required for the post(s) can be obtained from the Office of the Registrar on request accompanying a self addressed envelop (10.5”x 4.5”) duly affixed with postal stamp of Rs.50/- and crossed demand draft of Rs.300/- for teaching posts and Rs.200/- for non-teaching posts (for SC/ST/PH Rs. 50/-) drawn in favour of ‘Finance Officer, BBAU, Lucknow’. The prescribed application form may also be downloaded from the University’s website, however, such candidate will be required to enclose the bank draft of above-mentioned fees (in absence of required amount of draft, applications will be out rightly rejected). The complete application form alongwith required documents may be sent through Speed/Registered Post to the Registrar, which should reach the Registrar latest by 29th February 2008. Envelope containing application should be superscribed as “Application for Teaching/Non-Teaching posts”. Fees once paid shall not be refunded under any circumstances.

Last date of Application:
29th February 2008.

Application Form /Advertisement Source Credits:

Keyword: Teaching, Lecturer, Lucknow Sarkari Naukri, Lucknow Sarkari Jobs, Lucknow Government jobs

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