Name and Address of Company:
National Mineral Development Corporation (NMDC) Limited
(A Govt of India Enterprise)
Donimalai Iron Ore Mine, Donimalai Township- 583118,
Sandur (Tq), Bellary (Dist), Karnataka
Advertisement No. 1/2008
About Company :
NMDC, a Public Sector Enterprise is a Premier Mining Oraganisation and consistently profit making organisation. Applications are invited from Indian Nationals for the following posts:
Name of the Post: Junior Assistant Gr III (Trainee) (RS-3)
Qualification:Graduate in Arts/Science/Commerce from a recognized University / Institute and a minimum Typing speed of 30 words per minute in English and/or Hindi,/any other language as required.
Name of the Post: Junior Stenographer Gr III (Trainee) (RS-4) English
Qualification:Graduate in Arts/Science/Commerce from a recognized University / Institute and a minimum speed of 80 words per minute in English shorthand and 40 word per minute in English Typing.
Name of the Post: Junior Officer (Geology) / Junior Officer (Geo)- Trainee
Qualification:M Sc / M Sc (Tech) / M Tech in Geology / Applied Geology / Exploration Geology from a recognized University / Institute.
Name of the Post: Junior Officer (Civil) / Junior Officer (Civil) – Trainee
Qualification:A Degree or equivalent in Civil Engineering from a recognized University / Institute.
How to apply for above post:
Interested candidates may send their neatly typed application on plain paper strictly as per the following prescribed format along with self attested copies of Certificates & testimonials and 3 Nos. recent Pass Port size Photographs so as to reach the Dy Manager (Per)-R&P, N M D C Limitd, Donimalai Iron Ore Mine, Donimalai Township- 583 118, Sandur (Tq), Bellary (Dist), Karnataka State on or before 22.03.2008.
Applications should be accompanied by a crossed Demand Draft for Rs. 50/– (Rupees fifty only) in respect of Jr Assistant Gr III (Trainee) & Jr Stenographer Gr III (Trainee) – English and Rs.100/- (hundred only) in respect of Jr Officer (Geology) / Jr Offier (Geo) Trainee and Jr Officer (Civil) Jr Offier Civil –Trainee and should be drawn in favour of DGM (Finance), NMDC Limited, Donimalai Iron Ore Mine, payable at State Bank of Mysore, Donimalai / Canara Bank, Donimalai. Demand Draft is not necessary for SC/ST/PwDs candidates.
Last Date of Application Submission:
Application Form /Advertisement Source Credits:
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Keyword: Jobs in Bellary , jobs in NMDC, National Mineral Development Corporation jobs, Junior Assistant jobs india, Junior Stenographer jobs india, Junior Officer Geology india, Junior Officer Civil jobs india, Trainee jobs india, Bellary Sarkari Naukri, Bellary Sarkari Jobs, Bellary Government jobs