Name and Address of Company:
Employees’ State Insurance Corporation (ESIC)
Panchdeep Bhawan CIG Road, New Delhi.
Applications in the prescribed format are invited to fill up 58 vacancies in Lower Division Clerks in the following regions of ESI Corporation.
Name of the Post: Lower division clerk
Vacancies:58 posts (Thrissur-29, Jammu & Kashmir-11, Himachal Pradesh -7, Uttrakhand-4, Guwahati -5, Goa-2).
Pay Scale : Rs.3050-4590/-.
Qualification : (1) Higher Secondary Pass / 12th standard or equivalent (2) working knowledge of computer including use of Office Suites and database.
How to apply for above post:
A Demand Draft/Banker’s Cheque should be drawn on State Bank of India in favour of concerned Regional Director, Regional Office, ESI Corporation, payable at the respective centres.
Application in the prescribed Form may be submitted in an envelope super scribing “Application for the post of L.D.C” at the following address: The Regional Director, Regional Office, E.S.I. Corporation,
For General / OBC Rs. 75/- And SC/ST/ PH/ Ex.SM / Deptt. Candidates Rs. 25/-only.
Last Date of Application Submission:
21.04.2008 by 5.00 p.m.The application form is to be sent by registered/speed post to the respective State/ region for the post of which the candidates have applied.
Application Form /Advertisement Source Credits:
Keyword: Jobs in New Delhi, New Delhi Sarkari Naukri, New Delhi Sarkari Jobs, New Delhi Government jobs, Lower division Clerks jobs in India, LDC jobs in India, SC ST jobs India, PH jobs India, Physically handicapped jobs India,