Name and Address of Company:
Kumaon Engineering College
(An Autonomous College of Govt. of Uttarakhand)
Dwarahat (Almora) – 263653, Uttarakhand
Employment Notice No. – KEC/Emp. Notice/0001/2008
Applications are invited from the deserving candidates all over the country for the following posts on Performa given below (to be typed on A-4 size paper)
1. Professor (Bio Chem. Engg.)
2. Professor (Computer Sc. & Engg )
3. Professor (Electronics & Comm. Engg)
4. Professor (Mech. Engg.)
5. Professor (Computer Application)
6. Asstt. Professor (Mech. Engg.)
7. Asstt Professor (Comp Sc. & Engg)
8. Asstt Professor (Bio Chem. Engg)
9. Asstt Professor (Comp. Application)
10. Asstt Professor Applied Sc. (Chemistry)
11. Lecturer (Comp. Application)
12. Lecturer (Bio Chem. Engg)
13. Lecturer (Mech. Engg)
14. Lecturer, Applied Sc (Physics.)
15. Deputy Librarian
Pay Scales –
Professor: Rs 16400-22400,
Astt. Prof.: Rs12000-18300,
Lecturer: Rs. 8000-13500,
Deputy Librarian – Rs. 6500-10500.
Read here:
How to apply for above post:
For each post separate application along with all documents and the prescribed application fee of Rs 500 (Rs. 250 for SC / ST Candidates) through crossed bank draft drawn in favour of Principal, Kumaon Engineering College, Dwarahat, payable at State Bank of India, KEC Dwarahat Branch (Code No 10584) should reach to the Principal Kumaon Engineering College, Dwarahat, 263653, Distt- Almora (Uttaranchal) latest by 01-06-2008
Rs 500
Last Date of Application Submission:
Application Form /Advertisement Source Credits:
Keywords: Jobs in Uttarakhand, Kumaon Engineering College, Faculty jobs, Teaching jobs, Professor , Asstt. Professor, Lecturer , Deputy Librarian, Uttarakhand Sarkari Naukri, Uttarakhand Sarkari Jobs, Uttarakhand Government jobs